Course Placement Information
Math Placement Information for Incoming Students
Math is critical to your success in STEM fields. It is equally important for your success that you start your math journey at the appropriate level. Here are a few important things that you need to know about math placement at NMT (for most up to date information, refer to the math department at NMT Math Department Math Placement Information).
Here are Math Placement Basics
Math Sequence. Calculus 1 and 2 are required of all students in B.S. programs. You may need to take additional math courses to prepare you before entering Calculus. Below is the math sequence:
MATH 1220 (College Algebra)→ MATH 1240 (Precalculus) → MATH 1230 (Trigonometry)→ MATH 1510 (Calculus 1) →MATH 1520 Calculus 2
MATH 1220 is the initial placement for students without any AP/ACT/SAT scores.
We will accept the highest level of placement from ACT, SAT, AP, or the math placement
Three Ways to Improve Your Math Placement
- ACT or SAT Scores. These scores can place you into a higher level of math if you would like to try to advance to the next course. If you have taken one of these exams, please have your scores sent to NMT if you have not done so; they are not needed if you are already registered for or completed Calc I or beyond.
- Advanced Placement Scores. This chart details how to place with AP scores sent to NMT. We will accept unofficial score reports. (Email Titia Barham to start this process: titia.donsbarham@youqingbao.com).
- Math Placement Test. If you have not completed Calc I and your math placement is not Calc I or beyond, we recommend students take our optional math placement test to improve their placement. To sign up for the math placement exam, email mathplacement@youqingbao.com from your NMT email.
IF you have already been placed with your ACT/SAT/AP scores, you can take the appropriate placement exam to place out of the class in which they were placed.
IF you do not have ACT/SAT/AP scores, you may take the math placement exam, please contact the Math department at Mathplacement@youqingbao.com to discuss your test placement options.
Students should discuss their math options with their academic advisor.
You may retake a placement exam at the same level once if you fail.
Note: Official documents are required for all credit, placement, and waivers
Please have your official AP Score Report sent to New Mexico Tech for credit evaluation & transfer. Credit and/or advanced placement are granted according to the departmental policies listed here.
Math Placement
Math Placement is determined by the following:
1. ACT/SAT Score for Math Placement
ACT/SAT placement information can be found here.
2. Dual or other college/university Transfer Credit
For information on transfer/Dual credit please speak with the Articulation and Transfer Specialist in the Office of the registrar by emailing registrar@youqingbao.com.
3. The optional Math Placement Test.
For information email: mathplacement@youqingbao.com
Students wishing to take the Math placement test are advised to email the address above with their name, 900 ID number, and any math courses they may be enrolled in.
Qualifications for the Math placement exam:
- Student must not be enrolled in any math course that they wish to take an exam to test out of or a student must have dropped the Math course before the drop deadline to be eligible for the placement exam.
- Student must have not completed a math course they wish to test out of, as this will deem the student ineligible for the math placement exam for the math course the student would like to test out of (example; a student takes Math 1220 and receives a grade less than C-, but then would like to complete the math placement exam).
- A student who takes the math placement exam but still completes the course that has been tested out of will have their scores voided as the completed course grade will trump the test score.
- If a student enrolled in a Math course for which a placement exam is offered and passes with a C- or better the studen is eligible to take the placement exam for the next course (for instance, if a student passes Math 1240 with a C- or better, they are eligible to take "test out" exam for Math 1230).
ACT/SAT English Waiver
ACT/SAT placement information can be found clicking here.
College Level Examination Program
No credit is given for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). However, challenge exams are available in various courses. Challenge exams are arranged by individual academic departments. Here you can find information on challenge exams.